TRB 2024 Committee Meeting Recap
The committee meeting was held on January 8, 2024.
The meeting started with Transportation Research Board remarks from Bob Hazlet, followed by chair remarks from Zachary Patterson, the committee chair. Zak’s remarks discussed the importance of this committee, which is one of the oldest committees in the Transportation Research Board, as well as the role of this committee and internal requirements.
The next part of the meeting were brief subcommittee updates.

Then, awards were presented. The first award recipient was Jimmy Armoogum, who was unable to attend the Annual Meeting this year and Prateek Bansal, co-chair of the Stated Response Subcommittee.

The next items were updates about the International Conference on Travel Survey Methods, committee research, and an update on paper reviews from TRB staff.
The remainder of the meeting was discussion about the committee’s progress since last year, maintaining momentum, and standardization in survey reporting.
Upcoming Items
The spring virtual meeting was held on March 11. The summer meeting will be on June 20 at 11:00 AM Eastern (15:00 UTC). The invite should be in committee members’ emails, if you did not receive it, contact Zak.
The International Conference on Travel Behavior Research will be held on July 14-18 in Vienna, Austria. See the IATBR website for more information.
The TRB Paper Submission process is changing! Formerly, papers were required to be a full paper, not to exceed 7,500 words (generally 12-15 pages). For TRB 2025, Research Briefs will be required. These research briefs will be significantly smaller (1,000 to 1,750 words, maximum of four tables and/or figures that are not counted towards the word limit). Additionally, these will come with updated review methods and procedures. Stay tuned for more information from TRB.